Family Wash, Nashville, 9/18/15. Photo by Brian Ager.
I’m not feeling particularly exuberant today, which is unfortunate, because as we all know, exuberance is the most marketable emotional condition in which to display oneself out there in the social media world. (“Life is great: that bowl of cherries in front of me is so fragrant and beautiful that I just might weep for joy, and hey let me tell you about my new fabulous product,” etc.) But the beautiful thing is that I don’t really care. I vote for telling it like it is, whether it causes you to follow me, unfollow me, buy my records, or not. In other news: the weather’s great–we had windows open overnight, woke up chilly–high today here predicted to be an entirely reasonable 81. Dogs are lounging on the deck, and are not complaining. Chuck Berry (AGAIN, you say?) on the sound system in the back room, simply because I needed something strong, something positive–music that’s about self-determination, and the moving forward. (Okay, Chuck’s about a lot of other things less thoughty, and some more so, for that matter. But that’s a topic for a whole damn book. Can’t get to that, here and now. Gosh, we’ve all got so much to do.) And the playlist will move on to Sun Ra, T-Bone Walker, or The Kills soon enough.
Thanks to all of you music fans who came to Nashville for last week’s annual AmericanaFest and Conference. You really bring some great fresh energy to us here in Music Business City (a moniker coined by Mr. R.S. Field, I believe) , just by being here. We had a great turnout for the release show on Monday at City Winery–and thanks to Stacie Huckeba for jumping in at the last minute to capture it all on video! (Thanks again to special guests Lex Price, Jon Byrd, Kate Campbell, Webb Wilder, Laura Mayo, and Sarah Potenza.) Friday night at the wunnerful new Family Wash we played to fans from England, Scotland, and Australia, and lots of other elsewheres. (And there is a multi-track audio recording of that show that I’m anxious to hear.) That you were there means so much to me. Frankly I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about what startling (or startlingly predictable) conclusions were reached during the various panel discussions held at the conference at the Hutton. Good and smart people, some of whom I know, were on those panels and I do hope they got some fresh ideas cookin’ in the minds of the attendees. I just sat this one out (it’s not you, darling, so much; it’s me). Too much actual business (if we can call stuffing envelopes “business”) to do. But playing for you last week, at City Winery, Family Wash, and the Beast, felt so good.
Inevitable plug from the Marketing Dept.: Yes, kids, I have a brand new record out, called Long Gone Time. It is available directly from me via these two venues:
Via either of the above, I’m happy to sign CDs (if buying on bandcamp, just send me a note w/your purchase, or email me: kevingordonmusic@gmail.com.) Downloads might be a problem, though, heh heh. LGT will be available on iTunes and all over the cyberverse any day now.
Also, the new Long Gone Time shirts are here! Available in men’s or women’s styles, and in black or “espresso”, you can get ’em HERE right now: https://kevingordon.bandcamp.com/merch
Sponsors, if you have a shirt coming as part of your sponsorship package, and you sent us a desired shirt size, we’ll be getting those out very soon. If you haven’t supplied that information, please do so–just send an email to the address above. Or if you want to wait til I’m playing a show in your area and want to pick it up then, that’s fine too.
Looking forward to playing some shows in the northeast in early October with my good friend, very talented bassist, and stalwart traveler, Steph Graham. (And on some of those shows, with an as-yet-to-be-determined drummer.) We’ll be recording a session for later broadcast for NPR’s Folk Alley, and I’ll be stopping in at the Sirius XM studios in NYC on Oct. 12 to visit with host Meredith Ochs.
And yes, please ignore the Phoenix gig listing for Oct. 3 that’s visible on the bandsintown calendar. I’ll remove it soon as I can. That’s the other Kevin Gordon. The one that’s not in prison. Or maybe he’s loose now . . .
Have a good week, everyone!
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