Sidewalk chalk, Italian ice-Berwyn, IL 6/30/18
(Hi everyone! Scroll down to find out where to get the new record, Tilt and Shine–)
Happy Wednesday,
I never know where to start first–with whatever’s on my mind, or, as in today’s example, with a brief obligatory reminder that I have a NEW recording out, called Tilt and Shine. We’re up to #46 this week on the Americana chart–it’s just a number, but it’s a good one. Reviews have been great; in some cases, astounding. Here are some quotes from recent press:
“Vivid, gripping.”- Jon Freeman, Rolling Stone Country, May 25, 2018
“Brilliance… Mesmerizing… Gordon delivers another album that comes as close to sonic poetry as anything from any musician who hasn’t already won a Nobel Prize for literature… earthy, literary music… visceral, electric blues-based vibe.”- Scott Stroud, Associated Press, July 27, 2018
“Terrific… Another keeper… He’s one of America’s finest, most literary and talented musicians… it’s the way Gordon crafts his words to reflect reality without cliché that helps the music resonate long after the last note has faded.”- Hal Horowitz, American Songwriter, July 23, 2018
“‘Tilt and Shine’ may be the best rock ’n’ roll album anyone will release this year in Davidson County and its environs… impressive achievement.” – Edd Hurt, Nashville Scene, July 26, 2018
“87/100… Authentic stories, vivid character portraits river and levee images populate the songs, and the swamp is ever present in his sound. The dichotomy of refined, literate lyrics and raw, crunching bluesy guitars define Gordon’s signature organic sound… [He] says more in three and half minutes than most songwriters say on an entire album.”- Jim Hynes, Elmore Magazine, July 27, 2018
Okay, you get the idea. There are others, but I’ll spare you (and me) this time around, ha. But friends, the word is: GET YOURSELF ONE (or more) NOW! Here’s how:
On CD:
Get it right here on the site, in the store (I’ll sign it for you, too, if you like): http://kg.kevingordon.net/store/
Bandcamp: https://kevingordon.bandcamp.com/album/tilt-and-shine
Amazon: http://a.co/cevJS0S
Bandcamp (multiple formats available): https://kevingordon.bandcamp.com/album/tilt-and-shine
iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/album/id1417630183?ls=1&app=itunes
Amazon (mp3 format only): http://a.co/cevJS0S
(Yes, but still in production; we’ll keep you posted!)
Streaming, peeps? Here are two popular places to find it:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/1ZgydgSBUxezuTviybNdp1
Apple Music: http://itunes.apple.com/album/id/1417630183

Fence in East Nashville, 2018
Okay, that’s the sales pitch! I’m off the road for a little while (though there are plenty of dates coming up in September and beyond!) but if you’re in Nashville for Tomato Art Fest this weekend, I’ll be popping up here and there to sit in with people like my very talented friends Paul Burch and Jon Byrd. Find where they’ll be, and you just might find me. Otherwise I’ll be around the house, cleaning up some messes that’ve been staring me down for months, when I was too busy to deal with them. The persistent rage towards order does seem to take a break sometimes. And chaos and crazy will always mercilessly wait. But I’m back on it with my faithful companion Pearl, roaming the rooms on our own here for several days.
I slept late this morning; I needed it, I suppose–a lot of touring and rambling lately. The aforementioned Pearl, who’s part pit-bull, part pot-bellied pig, did same. After a brief interlude of consciousness tending to her breakfast and outdoor morning routine, right before the rain started, she is now sacked out again on the sofa. And I am grateful for the rain.
One summer in Iowa City–being a college town, the population dropped by at least half in the summer, which created a welcome (for me at least) desolation. It was so hot, and so dry. People were kinda losing it. You could see it in strangers’ faces. I watched two homeless men get in a knife-fight downtown, one sweltering afternoon. Right in front of me. That sort of thing never happened there. Whatever was on my agenda: well, forget it. I saw the spreading ink blot of blood on one guy’s shirt, and I turned around and walked back home. This was back when I lived in a town where that was possible–walking where you needed to go, or needed go home from. Easy for me to say–I was lucky enough to live on the corner of Iowa Avenue and Dodge Street–about 6 blocks from downtown. From one of the best bookstores anywhere, Prairie Lights. And from the Deadwood, where a person could (and likely still can) find whatever sort of trouble they are seeking. And maybe something one hadn’t even considered. But that summer, I swear we must’ve not had rain for six weeks. I’ll never forget though, when it finally did. A collective-consciousness sorta deal: people en masse walked out of their front doors and into their dead pale yards. Just standing there, getting wet. Just to feel it. For the ten minutes it lasted.
So, Happy Summer, friends! The world is burning to a crisp, but we’re still here.
Love and gratitude–
As always, great words Kevin! I like reading these about as much as listening to your CD’s. After I moved from Saint on a Chain on repeat for nearly a week I finally listened to the whole disc for a full week straight. Yesterday I took a step back and listened to Long Gone Time. Next up (when I finally get LGT off repeat) will be Gloryland. I’ll probably go through the whole catalogue.