I remember touring . . . Cambridge, MA, 2015 (photo by Tom Oakley)
Greetings, fellow Earthlings,
Yes, it’s been another crazy, sad week here in the States. More on that, soon enough. But right away, here’s some good news–this Sunday, June 7, I’ll be the special guest on Linda McRae‘s online performance/interview series, Come Out From Under the Covers! It starts at 3pm Central time. Admission is free, but all donations will go to a very worthy charitable cause. You can read more about it here: https://lindamcrae.com/tour
You can find a link to register for the show there on Linda’s tour page; I’ll put it here too, for your convenience: https://bit.ly/2XrJEVP
Linda is a fantastic artist, instrumentalist, and all-around great soul–I’m really looking forward to being on the show! Please join us if you can. I think some music and conversation would do us all some good.
New download-only Live Release!

a very tiny stack of live recordings from the shelf
I also want to tell you about a project I’ve been working on. Very soon, a new release from yours truly will drop, online only–a selection of recent live solo recordings. I’m still making the final cut on what will make it and what won’t, so yes, the details are a bit vague. I’ll keep you posted on the developments. As I’ve mentioned before, I have a large stash of live recordings from over 25 years of shows, and I like the idea of getting some of this stuff out there where you can hear it. In the last few months, I’ve kept going back to two shows in particular, where a couple of things you want to line up re: a live recording actually did: good performances, and great sound quality.
Stay tuned . . .
And stay safe out there. Hope to see you Sunday!
P.S. I’ll be writing more soon about recent events online and on the streets responding to the murder of George Floyd; for now, here are links to content that I found recently that is emotionally very moving. Please check out Texas artist Gary Clark, Jr. in a recent Instagram TV post. It’s about 9 minutes long, and it’s so heavy and beautiful–I remain transfixed by his words and the raw honesty behind them. It’s well worth your attention: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CA3dzbEJoRy/
Another post is video of poet Jericho Brown, whose latest book, The Tradition, just won the Pulitzer for poetry. He’s reading a poem called Foreday in the Morning. Brown is one of my favorite contemporary poets, (and is, like me, a Shreveport, Louisiana native) and his work truly speaks to our time: https://youtu.be/xHlRw8c8pfE
Solid listening of some Kevin Gordon today, just another day cooped up in the house, trying to do our best in Philly social distancing. Sounding good – feeling good.
Met some years ago in Key West at Hog’s Breath, geez musta been 5-6 years past, you were jamming with some cats, good sounds – good night then…good deal now.
As a fellow musician, appreciate your commitment and buzz. Keep it up!
Stay well…