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Louisiana in the rearview/New recording news/Westward this week

Momentary stare-down w/the mirror. Dressing room, Dixie Theater, Ruston LA

Momentary stare-down w/the mirror. Dressing room, Dixie Theater, Ruston LA

Are you UP? Rockin’ the Monday just like always? Me, I’m about usual: heart running on caffeine and sugar, consciousness wandering the usual route somewhere between gratitude for, and wonder at, the world; love for, disappointment in, and forgiveness of, my fellow humans. While trying to finish what will likely be five out of thirty things on the daily task list. Dog curled on the sofa, looking at me like “what have you done for me lately?”. His needs are fairly simple, as are mine, I suppose: Love. Respect. Food and water. A walk or two per day. Roof over the head is nice. Apollo likes to ride around in the van, and judging from my odometer and recent calendar, I must like it, too. Now if he could just learn to drive . . . .


Had a great run down to Louisiana late last month, first playing some shows with my friend Monty Russell and a few other pals including fellow east Nashvillian Sam Lewis. Sam and I had a night off on a Saturday, or so we thought. A group of Monroe music lovers decided to have us play–my first ever (and Sam’s too, I’m fairly certain) baby shower gig. Okay, to be fair–it was the “adult” after-shower party–where there were 200 pounds of boiled crawfish waiting for us. Yum. A fun evening of garden district wildness . . . which could’ve gone on all night, and may have for some attendees, I don’t know.

The great Curly Taylor, Blue Moon Saloon, Lafayette LA

The great Curly Taylor, Blue Moon Saloon, Lafayette LA

A few days later I drove down to Lafayette, in theory to get some writing done, in practice to savor a few incredible meals and naps afterward; portions were so large I was usually splitting one meal into two.

Catfish Louisianne, Antler's, Lafayette

Catfish Louisianne, Antler’s, Lafayette


Had a good hang with my friend C.C. Adcock, working on a song one day, and sitting in with his band for a Festival International show downtown a couple of days later. Big thanks to Todd Mouton for being such a gracious host. When I got to town he made me a mighty fine old-fashioned(pictured below), then Michael Juan Nunez joined us for a meal at the world’s only(!) Popeye’s buffet.



Yes, what you’ve heard is true: we’re making a new record. Little by little. In a house by the tracks. We currently have foundations for nine songs; I hope to bring a few more to the table soon. Producer Joe V. McMahan is his usual brilliant self: great ear and vision, pushing me (and whoever else is involved) when I need it, moving the music towards what best serves the song. As much as this business can and does eat people alive, and make anyone question their basic sanity, the best thing for me about being here in Music (Business) City is working with Joe and so many other truly gifted friends, having the chance to learn from them, and making the best music together that we can. And yes, we will be starting a pre-order/sponsorship campaign soon–I’ll keep you posted.

Back on the road this week: playing The Old Feed Store in Cobden, IL this Friday, May 12 (a writers’ round with Geoff Achison and Tommy Talton; a solo house concert in Memphis on Saturday, May 13 (for info, email Mark at:, and a trio show in Tulsa, OK on Sunday, May 14, at Guthrie Green. As ever, check on the tour calendar and with the venues for more information.








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