Just coming up from the mail room for a breath of fresh air. Thanks so much for the orders for the new record; CDs have been mailed to all sponsors of Gloryland who have one coming, and who have ordered additional copies via the link on the sponsor page. Folks who chose the download option should have received a handy code in your inbox for securing that download from bandcamp. If you didn’t receive this info, or can’t find it, just email us at the chaos central hq: kevingordonmusic@comcast.net and we’ll get ya fixed up.
There are a few people out there who didn’t participate in the sponsorship campaign–you folks can now order the CD right here on the website; you won’t find it anywhere else til around February, and who can stand to wait for anything good for that long? We’ll ship them now, and during and after the holidays, have no fear.
When not keeping orders fulfilled, I’m booking shows–look for significant updates soon on the tour page.
Ho ho ho and all that stuff . . . til we meet again.
Is this the new album cover? Very cool!
Hey Walter, yep that’s the one. thanks–