Greetings from Landhaven, in beautiful Huff’s Church, PA. We’re enjoying a day

Bethlehem, PA
off out here in the country, after a fairly grueling 15-hour drive to our first show at Musikfest in Bethlehem yesterday. The show went great–new drummer Ellen Houle did a fabulous job–it was truly live and unrehearsed! But great weather, in a beautiful setting, amidst the old remnants of the mighty steel mills there. As I told a friend yesterday, it is an odd sort of beauty, staring at that behemoth of rusting metal. What was once an icon of American industry is now a standing tribute to its own past–the sheer scale of the thing is awesome, in the true sense of the word. You can really sense the ambition, the pride, and the power that made that industry what it was.
A big announcement: just after publishing my last post, on Tuesday, I learned that our show scheduled for Friday in Lancaster PA had been cancelled by the venue. Yep, I stomped and hollered some–but after doing this music thing for 25+ years, one thing I know by now is to not throw good energy after bad–just keep moving. And our friends here at Landhaven graciously offered to host a show for us here tomorrow--so, if you are in the area, or otherwise feel like making the trek to one of my favorite places anywhere, come join us–show starts at 8pm. $20 or “best offer”, at the door. Ron and I will be joined by drummer Tommy Geddes. This should be a great night–I’ll also play a few solo–some songs we’ve recorded for the new record. So come out and hear something new–plus, Donna’s going to make something wonderful with fresh peaches! I wouldn’t miss that for the world. NYC, we’ll see you Saturday at Hill Country Live, and we’ll be back at Musikfest on Sunday.
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