La artist MC “5¢” Jones, self-portrait, 1980s
Back home and gone again–or so I think . . . van still in the shop; mechanic is trying to coax it through the annual emissions test so I can get new tags and hopefully NOT get pulled over again like we did almost immediately upon entering Shelby County, TN on the way home from Louisiana last Sunday. I encountered one of the friendliest sheriff deputies I’ve ever met; even though there were drums and guitar cases in the back we were not subjected to any invasive search, and he let me off with a warning ticket. You never wanna tempt fate too often, though, and I’m really ready for this particular automotive headache to be over for another 12 months.
I’ll be in Little Rock tonight, at the Afterthought, opening solo for Jim Mize and band; Jim’s one of my favorite humans and musicians, and it’s always a pleasure sharing a bill with him. Here’s a preview in the Arkansas Times:
Tomorrow I’m playing a private party in Monroe, LA, somewheres out in the woods. This is an event that has really blown up in the last few days–wasn’t even sure if I’d have a gig tomorrow, two weeks ago. Now we have 170+ folks coming. Thank you, Alan Brockman and family. Rubber boots: check. Mosquito repellant: check. With this degree of isolation, this event could provoke some unique misbehavior, and some intriguing photographs of such behavior. Stay tuned. And send in the dogs if you don’t hear from me in a few days. Tuesday August 13 I’ll be sitting in with Monty Russell at Portico in Ruston, LA. Friday 8/16 I’ll be playing another happy hour show at Chickie Wah Wah in beautiful (scorching) New Orleans, LA.
Sponsorships are up to $5K for the new record! Thank you!!! I literally could not do this without you. For more info, check out the “Let’s Make a Record” page here on my site.
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