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A skinny little slice of daylight

is all that falls between dawn and dark, during these narrowing days of the year. Or so it seems. The light deprivation affects me more than I’d care to admit–and it’s partially why I’ve been so quiet over the last month or so. Sorry for the silence, but I guess if you know me at all, you know by now that I’m not just another 24/7/365 self-promoting shell of a man! (Not to say that such a thing can’t be done with integrity, ha ha.) Even though keeping it real, staying true to whatever you’re feeling at any given time, can seem like a detriment to one’s “success”, that, my friends, appears to be my default setting. Feeling better now–getting adjusted, I guess. The jogging regimen has been such a good thing; though working through my two miles in below 40 weather earlier today was a special feeling! I’ll get used to it, or I’ll just go to the Y.

Now: onward, upward! It’s gonna feel good to drive down to Duluth, Georgia in the heated and still-functioning wobble-wagon and play this show with my friends Webb Wilder and Tom Gray on Friday:

11/14/14 poster

Next week, I’ll be back on the road in trio formation, with Ron Eoff and Paul Griffith, playing FitzGerald’s in Berwyn, IL on Friday(11/21), in the front room adjacent to the SideBar, immediately following the John Hiatt show in the main club. And on Saturday(11/22) it’s Little Big Fest, brought to you by the Des Moines Music Coalition, at House of Bricks in beautiful Des Moines, IA. We’ll close out the night on Saturday, starting at 7:45pm.

Sponsorship Campaign: Only a couple of weeks left to get in on the sponsorship campaign; we’re closing it out at the end of this month. Thanks again, so much, to all of you who’ve become such an integral part of the new project–we’re very excited to share it with you, as soon as possible! Sponsors, stay tuned for updates on the exclusive sponsor page–we’ll be heading back into the studio very soon(tomorrow, actually) to finish the last little bit of recording, then we’ll mix it all and see what this wild bird is that we’ve conjured. Here’s the skinny:

If you prefer not to deal with PayPal, you can send a check or money order to: Kevin Gordon Music, P.O. Box 60493, Nashville TN 37206.  Please include your email address so that we can confirm receipt of your sponsorship purchase in a timely manner, and keep you apprised of the progress of the project.

Hope to see you out there soon, friends! Safe travels and travails.  

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