Eastern horizon, near Hopkinsville Ky
(EDITED 12/4/18, 7:52pm CST)
Happy, if somewhat under-caffeinated, greetings from a gray and cold early December morning in east Nashville.
How’s it going out there? Isn’t the mall just lovely this time of year? I wouldn’t know; I haven’t been! I do hope you’re choosing to buy as much local, small business stuff as possible to put inside the purdy paper and ribbons that I personally can’t tape or tie worth a damn. But the feeling is there, even if the execution leaves much to be desired.
Thanks to all who came out to hear us Saturday night in St. Louis–what a blast! And thanks to host Angela for so graciously inviting all of us into her lovely home to eat, drink, rock, and roll.
Shows: Hey north Louisiana! I’m headed your way this week, for the last three shows of what’s been a great year. Here’s the skinny:
Friday 12/7 Enoch’s Pub and Grill Monroe LA
Saturday 12/8 Sundown Tavern Ruston LA
Sunday 12/9 Shreveport House Concerts Shreveport LA
Check the venue schedules and my tour page, etc. for more details. My good friend Monty Russell is joining me for the Ruston and Shreveport shows; he has a new record out now, called The Fat Man, and it’s awesome. And I played some guitar on it, too. Of course we’ll both have our latest releases (& others) available for your shopping pleasure at these shows.
Speaking of latest releases, thanks again to all of you who’ve streamed, downloaded, or otherwise bought “Tilt and Shine.” It was a fun record to make, and it’s great to see that fun transfer to the listener, too. The feedback has been consistently great. And heavy thanks to all who sponsored the project; I am forever grateful to you. The hand-written lyrics are getting done (really!)–only about five more renditions of “Colfax” and I’ll be done! The books for you Level 8 folks are being put together right now. Of course the sore spot is the dang vinyl, but please know that this is literally out of my hands. I don’t know why it has taken so long; I do know that the LPs are now done and ready to ship. Shipping department, please: SHIP. There are lots of us waiting, including me. We will get them out to you just as soon as UPS (gently) drops them on my front porch. You can order yours here, and enjoy a free download of the record while you’re waiting for the vinyl:
Just scroll down a bit til you see the Vinyl Pre-Order option–you can also send it as a gift.
End of Year Polls/Lists/Etc.: Please–if you found T & S to your liking, don’t be shy about listing it as one of your favorites of the year! In fact, as they say over at that shoe factory, just DO IT! Here’s one prime example; I’d very much appreciate your vote here:
And here’s another important one, the annual No Depression YERP (Year-End Reader’s Poll): https://bit.ly/2UebJfA
There’ll be plenty of these lists floating around; keep Tilt and Shine in mind if you contribute to such. We got some great press on this record, thanks to the good folks at Hearth Music, but some good old word-of-mouth, via these lists, is important too.
Jezebel: I’m not really one for writing holiday songs, but a few years ago, in December, as we were winding down the electric sessions for Long Gone Time, we turned it up and on, one more time; I had this in my back pocket. Ain’t nothin’ but fun–check it out:
Rolling Stone: In case you didn’t see it, my friend Gwil Owen and I got a nice mention in Rolling Stone recently; they revisited the session where Levon Helm, Keith Richards, and the rest of The Band joined Scotty Moore and D.J. Fontana at Levon’s studio to record our song, Deuce and a Quarter, for the tribute record for Scotty and D.J. called All the King’s Men. Here’s the link:
Flashback: Keith Richards, Elvis’ Sidemen and the Band Hit the Studio in 1996
Press is always great, and even more fun when you don’t know it’s coming; this time, I had no idea.
I’ll check in with you again before the year’s out–let’s stay in touch! (kevingordonmusic@gmail.com)
Thanks, as ever, for your support.
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