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KG Update: Rolling Stone / Stageit show tomorrow / Same Songs, Different Voices

Good morning, friends-at-safe-social-distance—

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, though the last thing I’m thinking about right now is green beer or other such joyful foolishness. (I think there is one Guinness left in the fridge—hoorah for later!)

I hope this finds you, and finds you well. Pearl and I stayed up late last night and watched the Miles Davis documentary on Netflix, after I got through loading a bunch of music gear into the dining room, to begin setting up for my live stream Stageit show, coming up TOMORROW NIGHT (Wednesday, 3/18, at 7:30 p.m. Central Time. Here’s the link:

I’ve never used this streaming platform before, and like others, it has its irritating quirks. And please keep this in mind—if you do plan on watching, try to go there in advance (like, today) and set up an account, etc. There are some hoops to jump through before getting to the real joy of virtual musical togetherness! You do need to secure a ticket, but it is “pay what you want.” And, just asking—would it be good to add another show? Either directly after the first one, or later on? (I’m thinking of my friends outside the states, for the latter option.) Let me know your thoughts. We’ve all got some time to think these days, it seems.

The dog is taking this quarantine thing very seriously—she’s STILL ASLEEP, snoring loudly on the far end of the sofa from me. There is a kind of sweet permission amidst all the current fear and distance—you can entertain many options you wouldn’t otherwise consider on a weekday/workday morning. It’s raining and gray here in Nashville, so the weather’s not much of a distraction; we might see the sun again . . . on Saturday.

If you missed my brief recent appearance in Rolling Stone (more correctly: at, here’s a link:

Indie Artists Turn to Livestreaming as Coronavirus Crisis Unfolds

I was asked to write about my feelings about the current situation, for those of us who live literally in a “gig economy”—not only how I feel about it, but how I feel about the streaming alternative. For now, it’s pretty much the only way to safely get the music out there in a live fashion. Anyway, I said what I said in more fluent fashion there in RS, than here this morning on first cup of coffee.

If you’re going to tune in to the show, you’re welcome to submit requests; just email me: I’ll do my best, though there is a time limit to the Stageit shows: 30 minutes, then an allowance for a 20-minute “encore.” If it’s okay with you, I think I’ll just blow through the grand finale at minute 30 and keep on plowing. I have other thoughts too, about this whole streaming option–will keep you posted.

A couple of my friends here in Nashville have recently posted videos of them playing songs live that I’ve had a hand in writing; here’s a link to a video of Jon Byrd doing one we wrote together that neither one of us has recorded yet, though I can really hear Jon singing this on a record. Video starts a few lines into the first verse. Working title: “Her Only One”:

(I don’t know what the privacy settings are for that post, so you may or may not be able to see it . . .)

And here’s my sometime gospel-singing duet partner Luella, singing a version of “My Heart’s Not In It,” a song I wrote with my longtime collaborator and friend Gwil Owen, that I recorded for the Burning album. Her voice really works great on this one, I think. (While you’re there on YouTube, you should subscribe to her channel!) This is one of the best things about writing songs–hearing other people (especially those who can sing rings around you, ha ha) perform yours.

Hope to “see you” tomorrow evening–and I’m sure I’ll be doing more of these online shows, experimenting with different platforms, etc. Thanks so much for your interest in, and support of, what I do.





One Response to KG Update: Rolling Stone / Stageit show tomorrow / Same Songs, Different Voices

  1. Sharlet Evans March 17, 2020 at 2:31 pm #

    I like your rambling style of writing! It’s more like a conversation than writing about a specific subject!! Cool!

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