Indiana, July 4
Happy July everyone,
Hope this finds you well; it finds me fighting off the last bit of a cold that’s kept me down most of the past week. I am feeling better (repeat . . .); I must be, because I’m sitting in a chair at my desk typing this, instead of being flat on my back. Green tea with honey, lemon juice, and ginger. Lots of water and the occasional Mucinex. Let us hope this gets gone for good and pronto, because we start recording next week! (Sponsors, take a look at the exclusive sponsor page for a new update!) Want to become a sponsor? Sure you do! More info here: http://kg.kevingordon.net/2013-sponsorship-campaign/
Last weekend’s shows in the midwest were a solid blast–thanks to all the large numbers of you who came out. We had amazing weather–including a dang-near chilly night playing at the beautiful amphitheater in Cascade, Iowa. Revisited a few older songs, including “Cadillac Jack’s #1 Son” and “Water or Gasoline”. And because of fortuitous routing, we got to stop in for Sunday dinner at one of my favorite American “grandma food” restaurants anywhere, The Ariston Cafe in Litchfield, IL. Just a great joint.

Ariston Cafe, Litchfield IL
I was happy to stumble upon this list this morning, posted by the fine folks at the Alternate Root, and honored to find one of my songs included among such stellar company.
Upcoming shows in PA, NYC, MO, and Nashville; check the tour page for details!
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