Social links


Thank you!

THANKS very much for becoming a sponsor of the new record—the response has been, frankly, (positively) overwhelming. There’s still plenty of room in the pool for any lurkers out there, so if you know anyone who might be interested in participating, tell ’em to come on in, the water’s fine . . . they can find out more HERE:

The deadline for signing up is June 1.
Now, part of the value of your sponsorship is your access to the exclusive sponsor page–here is the password:


It should go without saying, but . . . to help retain the value of your sponsorship, keep that dang password under your hat! 

If you lose the direct link above to the sponsor page, you can always get there by clicking on the “sponsor pages” tab in the top menu on any page on the site–pick the “2018” option when the drop-down menu appears.

I appreciate your support, and please don’t hesitate to email me at the return address above ( if you have any questions. More sponsor page content coming very soon!

