Monday, July 23, 10:45am EST

photo by Steve Triggs! (Somerville, MA, 7/20)
Kinnelon, NJ
Good morning, friends, fiends, and lurkers–
I was early to bed last night and late to rise this morning–sending out a quick update here before getting showered and prepped for a drive into NYC in about an hour.
The shows have been GREAT. Thanks to all of you who came out to hear us. Swamp Stomp RULES. (And I never say that!) There’s some video of that show on FB, just FYI. Rhode Island, how I love thee. Had a cool afternoon gig at Cafe Nine in New Haven CT yesterday–man, I just felt like playing, and it felt good. And as a band I’d venture to say we’re pretty much in the pocket at this point. But who wouldn’t feel like rockin’ their asses off after two hours of 15-30mph stop-and-go traffic on lovely I-95?
TWO more shows on the tour, then back home for more:
TONIGHT(7/23): Rockwood Music Hall, NYC, (stage 3), 7pm-8pm. The basement stage, my favorite! Would love to see you here, NY.
TUESDAY (7/24): Pearl St. Warehouse, (the “floating wharf stage”), Washington DC, 6pm-7:30pm. This should be fun! Outdoors by the water. Come on and bring it, govmint-land. FREE show!
Remember, FRIDAY is a BIG day! Our official release date for Tilt and Shine! And the release show/party at City Winery Nashville! If you’re thinking about attending, get your tickets NOW!
SUNDAY (7/29): KG Quartet plays NPR’s Mountain Stage!
Please google for more details–I am literally running to get ready for today’s journey. Hope to see you out there real soon!
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