Hi everyone, I’ll get right to it–there’s quite a lot to tell you about the tour schedule: On Tuesday, February 25, at 7:30 central, join me for some lockdown era nostalgia(?) when I play my first livestream show in a long while. We’re producing it through Bandcamp this time; my dear friends and stolid professionals Scot Sax and Sally Jaye will be bringing […]
Author Archive | kevin gordon
The In Between
Hi everyone, My new album, The In Between, will be released this coming Friday, September 13; you can now pre-order it on vinyl or CD on my Bandcamp site: https://kevingordon.bandcamp.com/ With your pre-order you’ll immediately be able to download the three singles from the album. It will be added to the store page here […]
August Update: NEW Single! / Order My New Album NOW / Tour Dates
Hi friends, First things first: The third single from the new album dropped yesterday, all over internet-land! You Can’t Hurt Me No More, a song I wrote with my friend Kim Richey, is about vulnerability in the face of love or love lost, set in a vibey dark soundscape. Here’s a list of links where you can […]
KG Update: Pre-orders close May 31 / Upcoming Shows / Live from Little Hollywood
Hi folks, Happy Thursday afternoon from Planet Cicada–I’ll soon be walking back to the woodshed to continue prepping for my impromptu gig tonight with my friend Paul Burch and his band WPA Ballclub. If you’re in town, we’ll be at Brown’s Diner, (a rare KG appearance on the WEST side o’ the river, baby!) starting at […]