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Berks County and beyond


Hippie Jack's Fall Fest, Sept. 28

Friday it is, already. Hope this finds you, and finds you well. I’m running around trying to get ready for a week on the road, waiting for the call from my mechanic for the magic number I’ll need to bail out the van from his possession today. Just got back from another 4-mile exorcism out on the trail at Shelby Park. Feels good to be back on that sweaty horse. Gradually feeling better, stronger. Always a good thing.

Tomorrow night, Saturday, 10/6, you can see us at one of my favorite places, Landhaven, in Huff’s Church, PA. We’ve played here every autumn for the last 4(?) years, and it’s always a great time.  Sunday, 10/7, we’re back at Elk Creek Cafe & Aleworks in Millheim, PA. Our friend Tim Bowser runs a great joint–excellent food and the beer brewed here is amazing. Plus, it’s a great place to hear (and play) music. 5 pm showtime: an early show that tends to go late!

On Monday we’ll be taking the wagon westward, to the great state of Wisconsin, playing two shows: Tuesday 10/9, at Shank Hall, in Milwaukee, and Wednesday 10/10, at the Shitty Barn Sessions in Spring Green, WI.  On Thursday 10/11 we’ll be playing our first-ever show at the Ignition Garage in Goshen, IN.  Friday 10/12 we’ll be playing a Sandwich Life house concert in Champaign, IL–I’ve heard about this series for years, from fellow musicians and fans, too; very excited to be playing here!

Saturday 10/13 we’re back in Nashville, playing  a very special show at The Basement, with Eric Brace & Peter Cooper, and Dan Navarro. Essentially a party thrown by and for our friend Tom, it’s by no means private–everyone’s invited! Check the tour page, and venue websites for more details.

7 Responses to Berks County and beyond

  1. Van DeLisle October 5, 2012 at 12:49 pm #

    See you in Champaign!

  2. Paul Vineyard October 5, 2012 at 1:07 pm #

    When are you coming towards St.Augustine or Jacksonville?

    • kevin gordon October 5, 2012 at 1:14 pm #

      Hi Paul, I guess the closest I’ll get is Key West in a couple of weeks! I’m overdue for a Florida visit; we’ll work on it.

  3. Paul Vineyard October 5, 2012 at 1:10 pm #

    When will you be heading towards St.Augustine or Jacksonville?

  4. Stuart Kendall October 5, 2012 at 2:12 pm #

    Millheim, Milwaukee, Spring Green, Goshen, Champaign …and then London?

    (just keep rollin’ on..)

  5. Cynthia October 5, 2012 at 3:16 pm #

    Man…we can not WAIT to have you here in Champaign!!!

  6. Christopher Piccolomini October 8, 2012 at 9:13 pm #

    Saw you years ago when you were touring with Southside Johnny and have been a fan ever since. When are you going to do a show in Northeast Ohio? Woukd love to see your set!

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