Happy Friday–

photo by Eric Martin/Belfast N. Ireland, 3/5/16
First of all, my heart goes out to all the folks in Louisiana and elsewhere who are dealing with some terrible flooding right now. Not a great way to start the season. Unfortunately, due to said weather, I did not make it to Clarksdale last night. But I’m glad to see the green returning around here and the little blue flowers popping up in the grass that the warmer weather is coaxing out.
Update to Ends and Odds page: I just posted a live track from an October 2015 show with the band–check it out here: http://kg.kevingordon.net/?p=2924
Next week I’ll be in Austin, playing all unofficial shows (the best kind!), south of the river for the most part, during the madness that is SXSW. Here’s my schedule:
Wed 3/16 The Dogwood 7:50-8:30 (band set with Mike Stinson & friends)
Thu 3/17 G & S (NotSXSW) 9pm (solo set)
Fri 3/18 Sam’s Town Point 11pm (band set w/Mike Stinson & friends)
Sat 3/19 Sun Radio SXSW Party at The Backstage 4pm (solo set)
Sun 3/20 Leeann Atherton’s Full Moon Barndance time TBA (solo)
On Wednesday, March 23, I’ll be back in Knoxville, TN, playing the WDVX “Tennessee Shines” radio show. More details forthcoming. The next Wednesday, March 30, you’ll find me and the most excellent Ray Bonneville throwing down at the Bluebird here in Nashville. As always, for more details, visit the tour page here on the site, also viewable at https://facebook.com/kevingordonmusic
Belfast: Had a fine time in Belfast, Northern Ireland, over last weekend–yes, I tested the Guinness for you, and through exhaustive amounts of sampling, I am able to say without a doubt that it’s still very good. I was honored to be asked to sit in with the legendary Scottish duo Gallagher & Lyle during their set last Saturday night; I got the phone call coming out of a much-needed nap that evening–a nice way to wake up. In addition to playing in songwriter rounds with amazingly talented (and young) Irish writers, it was a joy to connect with, and listen to, my brilliant friend from Indiana, Krista Detor. And thanks to the guys from Nashville’s own Music City Roots crew, the great Scott Miller, and all others there from Ireland, England, Scotland and beyond, for coming out to my solo show later on last Saturday. Will try to write more about this adventure a little later.
Have a great weekend!
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