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KG Update: Live Streaming Show Next Week; You Don’t Even Have to Leave the House!

Greetings, my fellow citizens–

What a strange time it is to be alive, but better alive than otherwise, far as we know. Stress, anxiety, a proliferation of disinformation (but we’re used to that by now), well, it’s just a bucket of fun out there, friends. I’m perfectly fine staying close to the house for a while–and unless I’m driving 80 mph down a highway en route to a gig, it’s what I do most of the time anyway. Since there are so many closures/cancellations of public gatherings, I thought it would be most appropriate to throw a show online–from my house. So, PLEASE join me next Wednesday, March 18, at 7:30pm CST, right here:

This will be my first time to use the Stageit platform, since Concert Window went down a few months back. So there’ll likely be a learning curve for all of us, though perhaps some of you have already participated in a Stageit show. I am determined this time around to get things sounding better, with the help of some new gear, and several days to get the bugs worked clean outta there! There is no set ticket price for this show; it is a “pay what you want” sorta deal. Plus there will be the opportunity to put tips in the virtual hat, and rewards for being the high tipper. I’m still working on those rewards . . . this is all moving very quickly, folks. I’ll provide additional details as they develop. I did notice that the maximum show time is 30 minutes(!?!); that will be difficult for me to stick to, so there may very well be at least one more show that same day. Again, I’ll let you know as I figure it out. If you’ve participated in a Stageit show, either as a performer or attendee, and have any suggestions, please send them my way:

Of course, your requests are welcome, too. I’m going to play one or two new songs, and who knows what else. I plan on having fun–and it’ll be more fun with you out there in Internetland, joining me, albeit from a distance.

Paul Burch: You know, I tend to concern myself with how my actions affect the so-called reality in which I live; I don’t think so much about how my presence in other people’s dreams plays out. But I was very interested in reading the story behind my friend Paul Burch‘s new project in American Songwriter magazine:

Wow, PB, glad I could help out! (You’ll understand it all, once you read the first paragraph.)

More coming soon–please be smart out there, and wash those hands. And wash those hands. Hopefully this thing will be over, or at least lessen in intensity, very soon.





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