miscellaneous found note, from my March travels
Jeeeez, it’s been THAT long since I’ve posted here? Oops. Social media professionals everywhere are frowning with mild disgust, I’m sure. Well, what can I say but I’m sorry–I’ve been too busy living to sit down and tell you about it! Yes, must do better job at integrating posting-about-what-I’m-doing with what I’m doing.
So, what’s up? Well, knock on wood, I’ve been writing again like a fiend–and I’m fairly happy with the results so far. Might do a couple of the newer new ones at my shows this weekend–Route 33 Rhythm & Brews in Wapakoneta, OH on Friday; Black Dog House Concert in Chicago on Saturday. Check the tour page for details.
April this time around is unfortunately a slow month for touring–though I can practically hear the van out there (at 289,000 miles) sighing in relief–and I’m still looking for shows in May and June (and beyond!). One May highlight will be the quartet’s return to WorkPlay in Birmingham, AL, on Tuesday May 6. My pal and terrific singer-songwriter Amy McCarley will open this Writer’s Share series show.
More news coming, sooner rather than later. Really!
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