Arkansas flea market, 2011
Happy Thursday all,
We’re having a sale on the Gloryland “copter” T through Friday night; regular price is $15–get one now for $10! Not all sizes are available in both colors (we are sold out of the Large size in the blue color, and have very few left of the Medium and 3XL in blue). We’ll contact you if it so happens that we’ve run out of stock of your desired size/color. The discount shows up automatically when you add the shirt to your PayPal cart.
A fairly low-key weekend ahead, before I get busy putting on the miles again: I’ll be playing my neighborhood joint, the Family Wash,this Saturday night at 9pm, in trio formation with Ron Eoff on bass and Martin Lynds on drums. I’ll be in Louisiana next week, Key West the next, and will finish out the month with a few shows in Boston. Check the tour page for more details!
The funding campaign continues to roll; we’re a month in and are almost 20% toward our tentative goal! Thank you, sponsors! For more info, go here: http://kg.kevingordon.net/2013-sponsorship-campaign/
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