The van odometer just hit 270,000 miles. But as long as the wheels roll, we’ll roll on–in trio formation this week, heading out to play four shows: Thursday 10/3 at Hill Country BBQ in Washington, DC; Friday 10/4 at Ashland Coffee & Tea in Ashland, VA; Saturday 10/5 we make our annual Fall pilgrimage to Landhaven, in the village of Huff’s Church, PA. Sunday 10/6 finds us at the Worthington Ballroom in Parkersburg, WV.
Next week, on Tuesday October 8, I’ll be playing a rare quartet show (w/Joe V. McMahan, Ron Eoff, and Aaron Mortenson) at WorkPlay in Birmingham, AL. Friday October 11 finds me playing a Pine Ridge House Concert in Clinton, Tennessee; on Saturday I’ll be back with the band for a serious throwdown at the Basement here in Nashville, the 2nd annual “TOMfest”! For more info, you know the drill: check out the tour page!

KG w/Exene, 9/30/13
I saw one of my favorite bands, X, last night, at the Ryman Auditorium, opening for Blondie. Whatever cynical assumptions I might’ve had about seeing a band live whom I hadn’t seen since 1985 were shredded within seconds of the first downbeat. Hear the mighty roar–damn they were incredible, and the more political songs in their set had a poignant relevance, what with it being the eve of the current ridiculousness known as the “shutdown.” In a future post I’ll tell the tale of seeing them live for the first time, at Jimmy’s in New Orleans, in 1982. Looking back on it, let’s just say they were extremely kind to a carload of over-excited north Louisiana boys who happened to be staying in the same hotel. You’d have thought it was the first time any of us had gotten out of Ouachita Parish. Hmmm. Well, maybe it was . . .
A bit of good news: my friend and fellow east Nashville resident, Todd Snider, recently cut a record with some pals out west; collectively they are known as the Hard-Working Americans, and their first recording will be released on January 21. Listen for their version of “Down to the Well”, which I wrote with Colin Linden.
Yes, kids, it’s now time for another shameless plug for the funding campaign for the new record! Thanks to you, we’re up to $6500–remember that with your sponsorship, along with the other perks, you get exclusive access to the sponsor page–where I posted a solo recording of a new song recently. Don’t like PayPal? Don’t fret; you can mail a check/money order to: Kevin Gordon Music, P.O.Box 60493, Nashville, TN 37206. We’ll let you know we got it, via e-mail or snail mail, soon as it arrives!
Hope to see you at a show sometime over these next busy two weeks–cheers!
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