Greetings from Waterloo, where contrary to Napoleon’s fate, it’s actually a fine place to find yourself this morning, in a hotel that offered us late check-out without my asking, and kept some breakfast items out for us when I stumbled down for coffee a few minutes ago. In traveling mode, no matter what your occupation, be it salesperson, IT expert, or yes, guitar slinger: the small kindnesses really do mean a lot.
Great night over in Cedar Falls last night at The Octopus–thanks to all who came out on a weeknight in the summertime, and to Dave Deibler for having us at his fine establishment and for keeping live music alive in a time when that seems to be getting more difficult to do, almost as difficult as getting some of our elected officials to tell the truth. (Hey Speaker Ryan, do you really think we’re all that stupid?) Ahem, back on topic:

Looking pretty near-sighted here but having a sweaty great time w/Joe, Steph, and Jim. photo by Ralph Bryant
Saw many friends, some who happened to be in town who’ve now moved way out of state. And had a fun gig–even had a few very excited folks fall over the monitors on to the stage, spilling beers on the floor like it was 1985, or 1997 even. I just missed getting clipped in the teeth by my microphone stand as couple #1 was going down, just like the old days, ha ha.
It was good prep for our show tonight outside of Des Moines in Dallas Center, a fundraising event for and at Brenton Arboretum, celebrating 20 years of doing good things for the community, and for the natural world.

A great event for a great cause–join us, TONIGHT!
Really looking forward to playing tonight and supporting this worthy cause. If you still need tickets (if there are tickets left), try your luck here:
Tomorrow night(Saturday, 6/10) I’ll be playing a duo show with my friend and producer, and guitarist extraordinaire, Joe V. McMahan, down at Vaudeville Mews in Des Moines. It’s the late show, kids, (10pm start) so make the appropriate preparations and join us. Though Joe and I make records together, and play shows with a band, we actually hardly ever perform as a duo; I hope you can join us.
Maybe you’re in Iowa and we’ll see you, but wherever you find yourselves, have a great weekend!
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