But not too much on-and-on-and-on. I promise. Hope this finds you well. It’s a bright sunny morning here in east Nashville; I’ve had my allergy meds and one cup of strong coffee, so feel nearly perfectly able to present myself in courts of law, or opinion, such as these social media are. You can see a little reluctance in the expression in the photo–I do not want to work on taxes today; I do not want to work on taxes today. But alas, it must be done. All week it’s been nothing but numbers, learning how to decipher certain IRS schedules and put the right (yet likely inconsequential) number in the right places and get on with it.
I haven’t blogged since being in south Louisiana a few weeks ago, having been fortunate enough to be a special guest on the David Egan celebration mini-tour, Sing It!: The David Egan Songbook. Man, what a great time. I learned what a “gentlemen’s lunch” at La Fonda in Lafayette means: whoa. Prepare for nap afterwards. Try not to knock over the marble top table and break the glass on top, on your way to a much needed afternoon nap. But what a pleasure to play our dear friend David’s songs–I found myself in excellent company, with Marcia Ball, Roddie Romero, Kristin Diable, Steve Riley, Buddy Flett, Mike Sipos, Dave Ranson, Eric Adcock, David Torkanowsky, and Michael Juan Nunez, plus Nathan Williams Sr., Lil’ Buck Senegal, Filé, and Sonny Landreth (on the Lafayette shows), Papa Mali and Irma Thomas (in New Orleans), and Miki Honeycutt and John Howe in Shreveport. Leading us all into battle was my friend and bandleader extraordinaire, C.C. Adcock, who did a fantastic job. I’m probably forgetting someone important, and if so, my apologies; believe me, it’s not you, it’s me, given my current scrambled state o’ mind. We were able to raise some substantial contributions for the David Egan Dreamer Fund, which is designed to help restore and supplement music education programs, facilities and equipment in the area–something that’s needed just about everywhere these days, given the current off-with-its-head cultural climate. Thanks too, to Rhonda, Todd Mouton, and Julie Bordelon, for making these shows happen and for keeping them running smoothly. There was some arm-twisting going on to get me to do David’s incredible song, “Fading Footsteps“, but I jumped in and did it, and I’m so glad I did. It seemed a little beyond me, but felt so good to get inside it and give it hell.
LOUISIANA THIS WEEK: Heading back on the road this week, going right back to Louisiana–playing three shows with my friend Monty Russell, starting this Thursday in Monroe at Flying Tiger Brewery; Friday at the beautiful historic Dixie Theater in Ruston (with many special guests, including Sam Lewis, Chris Canterbury, and Bethany Raybourn), and on Sunday, Monty and I will be playing Shreveport House Concerts, held at Fairfield Studios. It’s a great-sounding, intimate venue, and I look forward to playing there again. I believe our friend Alan Dyson is opening that show. As always, check the tour page and your local listings for details.
NEW RECORD: Yep, Joe McMahan and I have been working on a new recording, Joe once again producing–and it’s going well, though because of our individual schedules we’re getting it done one little piece at a time. But we have basic tracks/foundations for nine songs, more than we thought we’d have at this point. Stay tuned for more details, because there certainly will be much much more to talk about soon. So far it seems to rock in ways that a KG record hasn’t rocked before . . . and goes in other interesting directions too. We’ve had Ron Eoff and Dave Jacques come in on bass; Paul Griffith, Joshua Hunt, and Jon Radford on drums. I’m excited about it, but I’ll be more excited when I finalize lyrics and such, cuz you know how uptight about that stuff I can be . . . .
GLORYLAND: You know, it’s been five years since Gloryland was released, when on a somewhat lonely Valentine’s Day in 2012 we played a release show at Chickie Wah Wah in New Orleans. It was all uphill from there, baby! And maybe the record has taken on a new sense of relevance in light of the current global socio-political circus. So, there’ll likely be some special anniversary Gloryland stuff coming out soon–still cipherin’ on that; sorry I can’t be more specific. But I’ve noticed an uptick in sales of that record, and I gotta say, that makes me happy, and not just because of sales. Music still matters to a lot of folks, and that always makes us music makers glad.
Happy Spring–keep those allergies at bay however you must, and I hope to see you at a show soon. Come say howdy!
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