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Louisiana Snow downloads/Gloryland pre-orders

I thought I’d have another batch of Louisiana Snow vinyl to sell this holiday season, but circumstances have not come together in time to make it so. So what’s a man to do? Offer the tracks for download, of course. You can find them at:

Then there’s that other record you’ve been hearing about, Gloryland–I’m getting CDs out to sponsors as fast as I can; US folks should see theirs by the weekend or top of next week. We are also offering the CDs for pre-release sale on the website:  If you missed out on sponsorship, you can still get a CD–long before the official release date of Feb.14. We’ll also offer downloads via bandcamp very soon. We’ll only be selling these pre-release items on my site, my bandcamp page, and at shows–as a way of thanking you who visit the site or come to a show.

And don’t forget, sponsors, you can purchase additional CDs at a discounted price for a limited time, via the exclusive sponsor page.

I had a great time in Louisiana and Arkansas–but it’s been a slow recovery, after spending Sunday hydroplaning the van over some Arkansas two-lane roads in the rain. Thanks to all of you who came out to the gigs. See you soon?




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