Hi friends,
This Friday, April 2, is another “Bandcamp Friday”— for any purchase made on 4/2, on my site there, Bandcamp waives their usual share of the proceeds–in an ongoing effort to help touring musicians living in a still-so-not-touring world. This time around we’ll be having a sale on in-stock t-shirts; let’s not fool around with a silly discount code, etc. either; discounted prices will be the prices listed there on Friday. It’s a great chance to add a little KG swag to your warm weather wardrobe, and to help me create some space for something new. Come on in and take a stroll through the aisles on Friday: https://kevingordon.bandcamp.com/ And don’t forget that there are some under-the-radar live tracks etc. available there, too!
My friend, troubadour extraordinaire Todd Snider performed “Down to the Well” on his weekly live stream show last Sunday–you can see it here (link starts right before he plays Well):
Thanks, Todd! He’s been playing these Sunday shows every week since the Covid catastrophe began–much-needed agnostically spiritual balm for the quarantined soul!

Amanda Shires, Paul Griffith, TS, KG. Charlottesville, VA 2013. Photo by Rich Tarbell.
Speaking of which, I’m half-vaxxed and have about 2 weeks to go before round 2. I hope you are on your way, too–
I’ve been reading a lot, or, from a lot, anyway. Some current picks at the top of the stack–“Bluets” by Maggie Nelson (I guess you might call it prose poetry–but whatever the category, it’s magical); “Catcher in the Rye,” by J.D. Salinger (last time I read it was likely in college); “I Am Not Trying to Hide My Hungers From the World,” poems by Kendra deColo. I’m also writing some prose about, and researching the life and art of, Alabama painter Mose Tolliver. Let’s just say it’s an ongoing obsession.
Enjoy all this Spring, all you northern hemispherians! (Where’s my Flonase?) See you soon!
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