Quick post here before I reconvene with the landsled, which waits patiently in 35 degree fog down in the parking lot. For a 3.5 hour drive down to the last stop on the run, the always fantastic Ashland Coffee & Tea, in bucolic Ashland, VA. 8 pm show. For all of you in the area and otherwise able, come out and support this fine venue and this humble troubadour, plying his wares. I will rock. Then I will sleep, and then I will rise and drive back to my beloved 37206.
Here’s a nice review of Wednesday’s show in Cambridge: http://www.bostonglobe.com/arts/music/2013/02/22/gordon-brings-places-his-past-lizard-lounge/UXX26NdkBe4HjKXcP1XMHK/story.html
Really had a fantastic 2-night stand there at the Lizard–thanks in large part to all of you who came to the shows, and to my old friend Billy Beard. So great to be among so many super-talented musicians–Dennis Brennan and band, and Thursday’s show with Session Americana.
More soon–housekeeping is knocking their friendly knock on my numbered door.
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