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July 1 and the motion stops

Ceiling, Green Parrot, Key West, FL

Ceiling, Green Parrot, Key West, FL

for a few days. Just back from a fantastic 4-day visit to Boston, where I played three great shows. In case you didn’t see it, here’s a nice review of my show last Wednesday in the Boston Herald:

Having a few days of recovery time, reacquainting with family, walking dogs, running again, eating salads. Drinking: water.

Update, July 3: Now loading the van, heading up to play the 33rd Annual FitzGerald’s American Music Festival tomorrow, in Berwyn, IL! One of my favorite places to play, if not THE favorite. A great line-up; I hope those of you in Chicago-land (and beyond) can make it. This Saturday I’m sharing the stage with my pals Charlie Faye and Amelia White, at the first-ever Wheeler Road Show, here in Nashville. If you’re interested in attending, send us an email.

I want to get back to blogging about things other than where I’m landing in the next few days, or about the ongoing funding campaign for the next recording, though I know that this can be useful information. I’ll get there–just give me a couple of days. Cool? I’m about to have 17 hours worth of talking to myself within the air-conditioned-yet-what-is-that-smell Toyota, so maybe I’ll get some thinking done.

Sponsors: You’re overdue for an update! I’m working on it . . . thanks for your patience, and for your support of the project. With your help we’ve raised over $4K towards making this happen. Eternal gracias to you.

Have a wild-ass (but safe) holiday weekend, y’all!

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