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humidity, humility, and heat

This  morning found me up at 6 to feed the dogs, then back in bed, where I read a little more of Dante’s Inferno. It has a cooling effect. (The further in I get, the more it resembles life here on Earth; Virgil leads Dante up Gallatin Road on a hot July evening.) Took the […]

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from the legacy hotel

Had a great time at the White Water Tavern–though it seems a huge sporting event (the one without the obnoxious horns) drew some of the crowd away from this particular throwdown. This happens more often than I like. But even I was captivated by the last 5 minutes of the game–the only 5 minutes of […]

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touring/recording update

Took this photo in my backyard night before last. Some updates:  Joe and I return to House of David studio tomorrow and Monday to complete the mixes for the new record. This includes remixing 3-4 that were previously considered “done”.  Tracks mixed for the record are (in no particular order): Colfax Side of the Road […]

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Music City Roots/flood fallout/kickstarter

set list from wednesday So good to see so many folks out at the Loveless on Wednesday night for the Music City Roots show. What a great experience–the crew and staff treated us really well; the relaxed yet professional vibe made it easy to focus on the performance, instead of the minor stuff that sometimes […]

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