Hi everyone, A number of you have informed me that you’re having trouble with I took the issue up with my web host this morning, and it appears to be a DNS-related problem. I’ve made the changes they’ve recommended, but I don’t think the fix will be immediate. But please don’t hesitate to let […]
live & unreleased, entropy & endorphins etc.
Been trying to keep up the pace with frequent postings here, but I’ve been working on other things–including the long-threatened “live & unreleased” tracks compilation. The music’s being mastered as I type, and I’m looking forward to hearing what the geniuses over at Yes Master have done. As of now, the tracks date from 1994-2009; […]
“good evening, neighbors . . . good evening, sidewalk strangers . . .
good evening police helicopter, too.” Thanks to all of you who came down to the Wash to hear us last night. Thought it would be a slow one when I first arrived, but was relieved to see you all there when we got up to play. But no matter who was taking the stage, I […]
early april and the tree
blooms white around the same time every year, give or take a few days. I don’t know what species it is, though having lived with it for so long, you’d think I’d have done my homework by now. I do know that it shares the backyard with a hackberry and two pecan trees–one of which […]