Dang-near-full moon, I-40 east, Dickson TN, 10/22
Dear readers,
A quick note before beginning load-out of my room here in Effingham IL where the air always seems to contain the soundwash of trucks perennially rolling their eighteen wheels up and down the highway over there, like waves of wind. Doesn’t bug me really. What does bug me: the early, numerous, and heavy plodding steps of Ol’ Flatfoot on the floor directly above me. Good morning! At least I wasn’t blessed with a round of jumping jacks or some other aerobic pounding from above. Small taters, though–hey, I got upgraded to a suite when I checked in! All this room for just me and all my crap: Four guitars, an amp, pedalboard; suitcase, man-purse, and miscellaneous bag of fruit, water, and books. (Yes, everything of value comes in out of the van.) I’ve got TWO televisions here, though I need none. A couch, a kitchen, a bar, and a king bed. Nice. Although, despite the bright green Do Not Disturb sign on my door, I received a knock and a bellowing from a staff member about a half-hour ago–“Front desk!” Hmmm, I thought. Sounds serious. Housekeepers (who usually yell “Housekeeping!” just like the NRBQ song) know better than to violate the DND. I opened the door and received a not-so-well cloaked inquiry about my estimated time of departure. It was 9:30am. I asked, very politely, “When is check-out time?” She answered “Noon,” which made me more than a little incredulous. A less pathologically kind human would have expressed their anger loudly and directly at this point in the convo. She said they had me listed as having already checked out. Um, no. (This is getting downright existential: I am HERE!) No, I wasn’t on that tour bus full of seniors that left much earlier. Cuz . . . see, I’m still HERE. Trying to get some writing and thinking done. Again, I had a pleasant stay and a good sleep; Lord knows there are more worthy things out in the wild world and in my head to get worked up about. And HEY, lucky ME: I’m playing Black Dog House Concerts tonight in Chicago! Last I checked there was still availability–email host Van at vandelisle@yahoo.com for more information. I’m really really looking forward to this. If you’re anywhere near, come on by. It’s a cozy place to be, whether you’re performing or watching/listening.
Tilt and Shine Vinyl: The pre-order campaign is still going–thanks to those of you who’ve jumped in. I did get an update from the manufacturer this past week who estimates that they will ship around mid-November, possibly a week or so later. Not exactly what I wanted to hear, but that’s the news. Please know that we’ll get these out to you just as soon as they come off the truck.
Okay, I should get out of here and up the road. Have a great weekend, and safe travels and travails out there!
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