Pearson Lakes Arts Center, Okoboji IA
Hi folks,
Just a short note to let you know I’m still among the living (not that you were wondering; it was I, actually)–something about pecking out a note to you does remind me that life is moving, and fast, and that you, if you’re reading this, and I, are moving with it. Hurtling through the void, as they say over at the university. With that in mind, I just took the last little powdered-sugar donut out of the hotel pastry case, and thereby made a little boy cry; I have stoked up my in-room chemical brew with the more-like-coffee in the lobby, and have come back here to sit down a minute and talk with you. Okay, just kidding about making the kid cry. The little sugarhead was pissed off already.
After three great shows up here, I’ve had two days off, holed up in a Coralville, Iowa hotel, catching up on much-needed rest–for some reason on this run I’ve had a really difficult time sleeping. But last night was good. Down in it. Finally. Just in time to get back into the land-sled, watch several hundred miles go by, and play a few more shows before the week’s out:
Tonight (Wednesday, 10/17) I have the pleasure of opening for my pal Robbie Fulks, and Linda Gail Lewis, down at Off Broadway in St. Louis; they’ll be joined by Telecaster Master Redd Volkaert. A not-to-miss show, for sure! I go on at 8pm. I’ll likely be heading out right after my set, so if you’re coming down and want to grab a copy of the new record, and perhaps a matching t-shirt, try to do so before or during my set (no, I don’t mind, really I don’t, ha ha). Cuz I’ll likely be tearing off into the night in short order towards Nashville, to replenish the merch box, let the dog lick my face, hand the Mrs. the money, and do some laundry in the interest of the public health. Friday, I’ll be back out, playing South Main Sounds in Memphis, from 7-9pm, a songwriters’ show with my friend Monty Russell, who has a fantastic new release out, “The Fat Man”(which I play some guitar on) as well as Erin O’Dowd and Stephanie Adlington. I’ve heard great things about this venue, and look forward to checking it out for the first time. Then on Saturday, four hours down the road from Memphis, at the ripe hour of 11:30am, somehow Mr. Russell and I will be both conscious and playing our asses off in Eldorado, Arkansas; it’s a free show, part of an all-day free music event at The Griffin, coinciding with the arts festival going on there in town. Come on out and check out the condition our conditions are in–these strange hours tend to bring out the wilder, what-the-hell-was-that-he-just-done renderings of the rock n’ roll, friends. You might want to keep your hands away from the cage, err, stage. But please do feed the animals. Afterwards, I’ll sit on the bumper, watch the wind blow for a few minutes, then head back towards home. To rest, reset, and get ready for a long-awaited return to Black Dog House Concerts, in the Rogers Park neighborhood of Chicago, on October 27. More info available on the tour page on my site; check with the venues for more info, too.
The Tilt and Shine vinyl pre-order dealio is in full swing, and the LPs are now in production! To reserve yours, click your way over to: https://kevingordon.bandcamp.com/album/tilt-and-shine and scroll down til you see the appropriate option.
Special thanks to my fellow troubadour pals I’ve done shows with on this swing: Chad Elliott, Andy Fleming, Jordan Messerole, and Todd Partridge. It was a real pleasure sharing the stage with y’all! And thanks to the venues: CSPS, Pearson Lakes Arts Center, and Byron’s (the center of the universe) all made it easy to get in there and get down.
See you soon–
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